
Sheat-fish (Silurus glanis) is a fish from the Siluridae family. It has elongated body, broad and smooth at the front, slightly flattened at the back of the tail fin. The skin does not have a shell and is covered with a mucus that gives a sticky appearance. His head is large and massive, longitudinally flattened and ends with a wide mouth, with 6 mustache, 2 long on the upper jaw and 4 slightly lower on the lower jaw. It has a very well developed side line so that it can also feel the least vibration of a possible prey. Highly placed around is a little bit of a nightmare. The long anal fins end at the level of the tail fin, from which it is separated by a small cuttings. The body is gray with darker spots on the back and sides while the belly is lighter.

Habitat and behavior

Sheat-fish seems to like calm and deep water as well as slow and proper river water streams. It is placed in deep and crowded places such as coasts, protective stone walls, whirlpools, jams in the middle of the water, flooded trees, rocky embankments, stoned stones of the construction site. It is not at all rare that the upper streams of the river are in the parts of the strongest currents where they can find some suitable shelter or some quieter part from which they will plow their prey.

Like all other fish, the water temperature triggers its biological rhythm. In the winter the water is cold and its nutritional activity is small. With warming in April and May, the digestive regimens are shortened. Especially for females it is important to supply pro-organisms with the organism before reproduction. But at the end of that natural silhouette that forces him to spend the stored energy, the moon reappears only growing until mid-summer. From September, and especially in October, a gradual decline in life in a thermometer informs him of the time for storing fat for winter spent in sludge in the deepest river areas where very low water currents are.


Sheat-fish is replicated between May and July when the water temperature reaches about 20 degrees. They move in shallow zones, more often among the roots of coastal trees. The female evacuates about 30,000 eggs per kilogram of weight, into a nest previously prepared by a male. Incubation lasts for a dozen days during which only the male keeps and protects the egg. After leaving the egg, younger, 7 to 8 mm long, breaks down and hiding in the surrounding vegetation. Young moms will in turn achieve sexual maturity after 5 to 6 years of age.
